Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blog Topic #3

Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has a population of about 231.6 millions of people. Indonesia is also known for their volcanic activity in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has around 150 active volcanoes. These volcanoes were formed in Indonesia due to plates shifting about 15 million years ago. Some of these volcanoes have erupted causing danger to some people living in that area. A website that I found stated, "The largest eruptions or geological events took place in Indonesia".

I picked this video because it portrays some of the volcanic activity that has happened in the past year in Indonesia. Indonesia is known for their volcanoes, so I thought it would be interesting to put a video of a volcano erupting. The volcano in the video hasn't erupted in over 400 years. This tells you the ancient history/geography about Indonesia before it was founded to be a country. I can't even imagine living near a volcano that could possibly erupt and kill hundreds of people.

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