Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Topic #6

On the website of Time it states what the Great Firewall was,"Great Firewall of China," authorities block access to overseas Web pages deemed objectionable and shutter domestic sites that repeatedly stray into restricted territory. Search engines are prevented from linking to sensitive content. Mainland media, which face a host of regulations that limit how they can report the news, are often forced to take down controversial stories that have been posted online. China currently has more internet users that the United States. The internet is by far one of the main globalization tools throughout the world. It is almost a lack of freedom if the government is taking away the internet from their citizens. By this move from China they are not struggling to fight a war with any one else but themselves and their people. A lot of people would be very angry by the governments actions.

Read more:,8599,1981566,00.html#ixzz1FSaJ7bZ0

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